Washington wants around 12 packs of wolves:
Each pack has between 7-15 members.
Each wolf will eat an estimated 15-19 deer per year.
Wolves will increase in population 10-34% each year.
Washington's Deer and Elk Populations:
Deer: 16,056, applied WSFW ratio 23,570
Elk: 24,615, applied WSFW ratio 36,135
*totals come from helicopter surveys, and WSFW ratio is the + or - factor error on the high side.
Elk counts in Montana between 1994-2008 dropped 67-87%
So if there is 12 packs of wolves and roughly 120 members 2040 deer will be eaten or roughly 840 full grown elk or 4080 calves will be eaten. Idaho wanted 10 packs now they are up to 1000 wolves so that means in our state of Washington 20400 deer or 8400 full grown elk or 40800 calves or any combination will be eaten by wolves after a few years of getting established. Now wolves don't normally take down a full grown elk but prey mostly on the young and old. So if the calf numbers go down then the overall population down the road will go down when the healthy elk get old. So do the research and do the math if we hunters want the ability to harvest an animal then actions need to be taken. Please read Eastman's blog found at the bottom of the blog, then the reality of what's at stake will hit.
Now all my facts about deer and elk populations were gathered from: http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/01327/
Facts about wolves: http://www.wolf.org/wolves/learn/basic/faqs/faq.asp.,
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