Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Best Food Plot for Blacktail Deer

   After a couple years of experimenting with what food plots work best for blacktail deer I stumbled across the easiest food plot ever.  I was actually clearing brush to extend my food plot further up an old logging road about 30' when I quit.  I came back the next day and this four point was devouring what brush I had cut down.  It was interesting because last year this happened as well.  I would suggest to everyone that wants to create a plot or scout for deer that during the months of May-July.  That they cut down salmon berry, ferns, blackberries, etc and place a camera overlooking the cutout.

   This year I planted more biologic outfitters blend and alfalfa from another company.  I have yet to see any results that would warrant more planting of either but I will wait to definitively conclude on those results.  I also plan on experimenting with attractants such as; trophy rock, apple jam, c'mere deer, and swamp donkey.  As I have mentioned before swamp donkey brings in the deer.  But during August and September activity switches to nocturnal feeding and less frequent visits.  So in conclusion food plots great for scouting but not for hunting over.

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