Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Scouting Trip

Scouting Trip across the Hood Canal revealed a big buck rub.  Hopefully he made it through the hunting season.  I will be back in the summer time to see if I can find the brute.  As you can see this is a large rub my hat is roughly 5” wide and this tree is around that size.  I found it along an edge of a clearcut and swampy area.  I found a similar rub on the other side of this forested area on the edge of another clear cut.  So this could be a possible breeding area in the middle.  I don’t think I found the core area of this buck but just a rub along his food travel route.  The best rubs to find are rubs that have been used for many years and this area has several rubs from previous years.  It will be interesting to check on this spot in the future.

When looking for a blacktail buck during the rut or hunting season we must first locate the core areas.  This core area I am referring to is where he will spend the majority of his time during the rut.  Looking for large concentrations of rubs is the key.  The bucks favorite trees to rub are ash, alder, willow, and occasionally evergreen trees.   

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