Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Shadow Blacktail Buck

A little buck has shown up, he likes the apples.  I have both a food block and a salt block.  They really don't pay any attention to the salt block.  The salt block weighs around 50lbs.  The deer around the Puget Sound already have a rich supply of salt from the ocean.   The food block weighs around 35-45 lbs. making them easier to manage.  
I may be mistaken but I believe you can bait deer during the hunt.  Bears you can bait but 10 days prior to hunting you have to remove all bait.  Double check but these regulations may have changed in Washington last year.  In my experience during the rut the last thing on the bucks mind is food.  This holds true especially with the big bucks.  But after the rut it may be a good time to try baiting since the bucks are recuperating from breeding and avoiding hunters. 

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