Friday, July 27, 2012

More Bachelor Blacktail Bucks

 These two blacktail bucks love to hang out with each other.  The picture on the right is of a small two-point buck and the one below is a goofy spike that has one point longer than the other.  Reasons for this abnormality are still unclear but it does add character.  Well its still mid July and these blacktail bucks are enjoying a good blackberry patch one of their favorite foods.  Earlier in the year they dined mostly on Salmon berry brush.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Bachelor Blacktail Bucks

Summer time is great for observing deer overlapping feeding grounds.  These two bucks are traveling together in another bucks territory.  It's hard to see in the second photo but the buck is a small spike, which is accompanying the small two point on their feeding loop.

Right side of the picture is a small spike.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Skinny Black Bear

This bear has seen better days, it frequently raids my food plot but has been missing for sometime.  Apparently suffering severe weight loss.  His hips are really poking out and I bet this bear is a problem bear in the area.  It wouldn't surprise me if this bear is bold enough to raid trash cans and garbage.  Beware of the skinny bears.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Blacktail Deer Sharing Space

             Bears and deer share a lot of the same resources and live within close proximity to each other.  I have yet to catch predator and prey in the same image but these pictures catch them almost overlapping space.  As you can see from the time stamp they just missed each other by only a couple hours.  I believe the deer waited for the bear to finish and moved in as soon as it sensed the bear was finished.

The lettuce, oats and other vegetables are growing nicely but as I found out they aren't a major food source for the deer.  As you can see very little has been eaten from the planted vegetables.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Swamp Donkey

  If you want to try experimenting with blacktail deer bait.  I would recommend trying swamp donkey.  I have tried salt blocks, Purina deer blocks, apples, but swamp donkey works the best so far.  I do need to experiment with other attractants, but so far swamp donkey is what brings them in and keeps them coming back for more.  Try it and you might be surprised.  That's what this buck is eating as he is avoiding the salt and food block in the pictures.